Cables and Accessories
Blank NIM Modules - Models 400A, 400B, and 400C ORTEC offers blank modules in three standard NIM widths, single-width (400A), double-width (400B) and triple-width (400C), to provide the experimenter with the option of packaging special-purpose electronics in a standard configuration. Blank modules are shipped fully assembled and each one is provided with 10 connector pins that are prewired with...
The amplifier is one of the most important components in a pulse processing system for applications in counting, timing, or pulse amplitude (energy) spectroscopy, providing the pulse-shaping controls needed to optimize the performance of analog electronics.Different models of amplifiers are available from the broad ORTEC NIM product range to suit different detector types and applications, from...
Single Channel Analyzer
A single channel analyzer (SCA) produces an output logic pulse on the condition that the peak amplitude of its input signal falls within the pulse-height window that is established with two preset threshold levels. ORTEC provides two basic types or classifications of SCAs: non-timing SCAs and timing SCAs. Non-timing SCAs produce an output pulse if the input signal is within the window settings....
Multichannel Analyzer (DSPEC)
Multichannel Analyzers (MCAs) are workhorse instruments in many scientific measurements. An MCA analyzes a stream of voltage pulses and sorts them into a histogram, or “spectrum” of number of events, versus pulse-height, which may often relate to energy or time of arrival. The stored spectrum may then be displayed and analyzed. EASY-MCA 2k or 8k Channel Multichannel Analyzer EASY-MCA interfaces...