Multichannel Analyzers (MCAs) are workhorse instruments in many scientific measurements. An MCA analyzes a stream of voltage pulses and sorts them into a histogram, or “spectrum” of number of events, versus pulse-height, which may often relate to energy or time of arrival. The stored spectrum may then be displayed and analyzed.

EASY-MCA 2k or 8k Channel Multichannel Analyzer
EASY-MCA interfaces to a PC via a USB2 cable. This compact MCA is stackable and portable, and no PC option slots are needed. Each EASY-MCA has memory capable of holding the complete spectrum. You have the option of 2k channels of resolution which can be switched to 1k or 0.5k channels or 8k channels of resolution which can be switched to 4k, 2k, 1k, or 0.5k channels.

digiBASE 14-Pin PMT Base with Integrated Bias Supply, Preamplifier, and MCA with Digital Signal Processing
The digiBASE is a 14-pin photomultiplier tube base for gamma-ray spectroscopy applications with NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors. The unique concept of the digiBASE combines a miniaturized preamplifier and detector high voltage (0 to +1200 V bias) with powerful digital signal processing, multichannel analyzer, and special features for fine time resolution measurements — all contained in a low-power (<500 mA), lightweight (10 oz, 280 g), small-size (63 mm diameter x 80 mm length) tube base with a USB connection. Everything you need to connect to your NaI(Tl) detector is included in the tube base. Furthermore, there is no need to open your computer to install an interface card, or for using external NIM-based components.

DSPEC 50/50A and DSPEC 502/502A Digital Signal Processing Gamma Spectrometers
- ADC Conversion Gain up to 64k channels for expanded energy range applications!
- Digital Coincidence Timing for Simplified Compton Suppression and Cosmic Veto Systems with excellent performance!
- Web Page and Web Services Interfaces for Operating System Independence!