Radioactive Sources
*Note: Requirement to have radioactive source handling license
Disk Source Set
The RSS2 source set is used for determining the resolving time of GM counters. It consists of 3 half-disks: 2 contain Tl-204 and 1 is left blank (contains no material). Each disk has an uncertainty of ± 20% of the labeled activity. Activities will not exceed the U.S. NRC Exempt Quantity limit. Not available for calibration
Mixed Gamma Source
Mixed gamma sources are designed for use as reference standards. They offer a convenient means of using more than one isotope at a time. Typical applications include: teaching, training, research, radiation protection, and up-and-coming technologies. All mixed gamma sources are all calibrated.
Planchet and Disk Sources
Sealed sources for calibrating surface contamination monitors. A wide range of products with different dimensions and radionuclides is available. Sources designed for specific instruments and applications: calibration standards; photon emitting standards; tritium standards; standards for hand, foot, and whole body monitors.
Marinelli Beaker / Beaker Sources
High-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry is widely used for identifying and assaying gamma-ray emitting radionuclides in environmental samples. To meet the requirements of quality management systems, the spectrometers should be calibrated using reference sources that are traceable to national standards. The reference sources must also match as closely as possible the geometry, density, and...